3 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Self Storage In Fort Collins

When people are looking for self storage in Fort Collins, they sometimes get a unit that is too big. That is why we are writing this blog to show you how you can get a unit that is the right size for you at Manhattan Storage.

  1. Make Use Of Your Space - Your unit goes up to the ceiling. By stacking properly and by having great organization, you can get full utilization of your storage unit. This could allow you to store up to 20% more than what you intended in your unit.

  2. Leave Items You Need At Home - Sometimes we overthink what should be stored. If you are having to run to the storage unit every weekend to pull the same thing out, it’s best to keep it at home.

  3. Don’t Store Electronics - Anything that is a computer or entertainment related electronic should be kept at home. Electronics go out of date so quickly that there isn’t much use in it if it isn’t being used on a day-to-day basis. If something has gone out of date, it’s best to sell it or donate it. There isn’t a need to have it stored.

Little things like that can help you get a unit that best fits your budget and your actual need. So when you are finally ready to make the decision to get a self storage in Fort Collins unit. Be sure to come by Manhattan Storage so we can get one for you!